
We work for a labor market with Zero Talent Waste, where everyone is judged on equal terms. Our platform helps recruiters, hiring managers and HR to work inclusively and time-efficiently with recruitment and development.

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We work for a labor market with Zero Talent Waste, where people's potential is utilized and where everyone is judged on equal terms. Our platform helps recruiters, hiring managers and HR to work inclusively and time-efficiently with recruitment and development.

What is Zero Talent Waste?

No preconceptions

Tortor congue eget lectus id est elementum. Viverra quam dictum maecenas mauris morbi fames nunc scelerisque morbi pellentesque.

Trust data

Tortor congue eget lectus id est elementum. Viverra quam dictum maecenas mauris morbi fames nunc scelerisque morbi pellentesque.

Change & improve

Tortor congue eget lectus id est elementum. Viverra quam dictum maecenas mauris morbi fames nunc scelerisque morbi pellentesque.

What others have to say


Malin Moezzi,
Senior Customer Success Manager Assessio

Read more and watch video


Malin Moezzi,
Senior Customer Success Manager Assessio

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Malin Moezzi,
Senior Customer Success Manager Assessio

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Malin Moezzi,
Senior Customer Success Manager Assessio

Read more and watch video


Malin Moezzi,
Senior Customer Success Manager Assessio

Read more and watch video


Malin Moezzi,
Senior Customer Success Manager Assessio

Read more and watch video

"A personality test compares candidates objectively, unlike a personal letter or CV which is subjectively interpreted by the person making the selection."


Jane Doe, CEO – Assessio Group

"A personality test compares candidates objectively, unlike a personal letter or CV which is subjectively interpreted by the person making the selection."


Jane Doe, CEO – Assessio Group

Zero Talent Waste

What the statistics tell us

Suspendisse lacus posuere elit vitae rhoncus feugiat vulputate. Id ut sed pharetra magnis convallis donec egestas maecenas elementum. Sed nec sit blandit vitae donec quisque ridiculus. Scelerisque mauris amet lorem vel. Viverra amet porttitor justo varius at donec est habitant. Purus fringilla scelerisque vestibulum sit. Sit pellentesque pellentesque venenatis felis.

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Zero Talent Waste Magazine

Suspendisse lacus posuere elit vitae rhoncus feugiat vulputate. Id ut sed pharetra magnis convallis donec egestas maecenas elementum. Sed nec sit blandit vitae donec quisque ridiculus. Scelerisque mauris amet lorem vel. Viverra amet porttitor justo varius at donec est habitant. Purus fringilla scelerisque vestibulum sit. Sit pellentesque pellentesque venenatis felis.

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Zero Talent Waste

Get started with Assessio

Tortor congue eget lectus id elementum. Viverra quam dictum maecenas mauris morbi fames nunc scelerisque morbi. Pellentesque feugiat magna.


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