With psychometric lenses, your organisation can identify successful behaviors at the same time using the data you collect more effectively.
The key to any high performing team is focusing on the right behaviours. How people act day to day will determine their performance in the workplace. Not their background or work experience, their gender or what university they went to.
That's why we have built the competence framework, to help you focus on the behaviours that drives success in your organisation. Our Lens Management module consists of research-based behavioral combinations in the form of lenses, so that you can quickly and efficiently choose the right behaviors to measure in the current recruitment.
Flexible - create unique lenses to fit your organisational needs
Lenses help you focus on the right behaviours.
In our Lens Library, you can choose from 54 different lenses developed from the US occupational database O-Net. These lenses represent more than 400 different occupational roles, and they cover many different levels such senior managers, first line managers and specialists.
To further facilitate the use of lenses and customizing them to your organization, your administrator has the possibility to rename lenses to your specific job titles, change descriptions, hide lenses you are not using, and boost key behaviours in the lenses.
Our AI assistant is a dynamic and interactive platform assistant that will help you co-create a bespoke recruitment lens in a quick and effortless way. Once the job description has been defined based on educational requirements, competencies and desired behaviours, the AI Assistant will create a unique and bespoke lens. Finetune the results by adjusting the competencies or behaviours to better suit your needs to be further tailored to your values, mission & vision and company terminology.
For companies working actively to understand what drives success in their environment, you can choose one of more of your most successful employees to learn which competencies and behaviours that are important in a given role. Inspired by the high performing employee, you can create a lens based on their unique test results.
Using the employee lenses as inspiration, you can create a unique starting point in new recruitments to match the top candidates that best fit the role and your organisation.
Based on the employee test score for MAP and Matrigma, the tool will suggest two different lenses - the leadership or the specialist lens. These lenses can be described by your specific terms or keywords, and they can be boosted within the strategic-operative or enablind-driving behavioural dimensions to become an even sharper lens.
For every lens there is an interview guide with questions connected to the competencies the lens is focused on. The guide has a clear focus on the desired behaviour for you to get a deeper understanding of the candidate's self awareness insight and expected behaviours in the role.
Every question comes with a number of follow up questions to be used if you want to encourage the candidate to elloborate on a response. By using the same questions for each and every candidate, you will ensure a more fair and objective experience and recruitment process, which will also make it easy to compare the candidates.
Our platform contains extensive data and the tools you need for a more efficient organization. And it is constantly evolving, always in close cooperation with you as a customer.
Personality (MAP)
Identify individuals' potential and areas of development using MAP; a personality test that maps personality and behaviors that are important in the workplace.
With the world-leading non-verbal aptitude test Matrigma, you can measure intelligence, reasoning, abstract logic and problem-solving skills.
Identify risk behaviors and individual challenges. MAP-X gives you a basis to use in recruitment processes, leadership issues and team development.
Empower managers in your organization with feedback from their employees. Leadership Feedback is based on modern leadership research and contributes to leadership development in the right direction.
Öka självkännedom med hjälp av Self-Awareness Insights. Verktyget – och utbildningen – skapar medvetenhet kring styrkor och utmaningar och ger tips på utveckling.
With psychometric lenses, you can be inspired by data to find new talent. In the tool you can create a profile based on test score from successful employees to match with your top candidates.
Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Contact us if you want to learn more.
What is the competence framework?
The competency framework consists of four dimensions of performance. All these four dimensions are important in all jobs, but of course their importance can vary for a specific job. The four dimensions are:
The strategic domain: Behaviors that focus on promoting innovation and global perspectives. It is about managing complexity, acting strategically and taking a long-term view. It is about driving adaptation/development in relation to market requirements and being ready for learning and change in the organization.
The operational domain: Behaviors that focus on promoting effective daily implementation. It is about planning, making good use of available resources and working in a structured way with attention to detail. It is about driving process discipline, coordination and internal consensus.
The driving domain: Behaviors that focus on taking initiative and making individual contributions. It involves influencing others, competing positively to achieve ambitious goals, and driving accountability and clear performance expectations internally.
The enabling domain: Behaviors that focus on embracing individual differences and enabling a diverse talent base. It is about recognizing the potential of all individuals, creating a safe psychological environment, collaborating and focusing on common goals. It is about driving team focus, cohesion and commitment.
The data source for these lenses is O-NET. The O-NET database contains information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. The information is collected from occupation holders and occupational experts through paper and web surveys covering all occupations in the US workforce. It includes skills required, work styles, education and training, work activities, work context, and tasks performed. To access the full database, visit: https://www.onetonline.org
To complement the O-Net lenses, we have developed 11 behavioral or "persona" lenses in the platform. These focus on specific behaviors from the competency framework and use the psychometric validity they get from the association of MAP and Matrigma with the competencies. There are also eight "persona" profiles that can be used to highlight certain critical behavioral aspects for specialist positions.
Want to know more about our platform? You will gain insight into how the tool can ensure sustainable processes for the recruitment and development of employees and leaders - and thus also your organization.