
MAP Essence is the short and quick screening test for your high-volume screening needs. Invest minimal time while gaining essential insights. 

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About MAP Essence

MAP Essence is a quick and easy screening test based on a selection of questions from the MAP personality test. Designed to measure integrity and service skills, you can streamline and significantly shorten the selection processes with large numbers of applicants. The test helps you gather relevant information about your candidates at an early stage to give you an objective basis for deciding who should go to the next stage.


What makes us different from others?


Data collection to support and guide decisions. Collect and reuse data to find your top candidate.


Evidence-based methods and solutions based on the latest the latest research in personality science and work psychology.


A user-friendly platform that simplifies complicated processes and decisions.


A comprehensive assessment platform that provides decision support for in the recruitment and development of employees, leaders and organizations.

How does MAP Essence work?

MAP Essence streamlines your recruitment process and maintains objectivity.


Measure integrity and serviceability

In MAP Essence it is possible to use algorithms for integrity and serviceability, or only one of the two factors. Serviceability shows how service-oriented a candidate is compared to the norm group. The integrity factor measures the person's ability to act in accordance with the rules and assesses the risk of harmful behavior at work.

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Research-based test

MAP Essence consists of neutral and candidate-friendly questions related to personal characteristics related to the five well-researched factors: extroversion, social style, conscientiousness, stability and openness. All candidates who take the test receive a general feedback report on the five factors after completing the test.

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Effective for both candidate and recruiting company

MAP Essence is suitable for the recruitment of positions where personal characteristics are more important than previous work experience, such as retail, warehouse, sales, assembly and production positions. When the test is applied early in the recruitment process, it not only saves time, but also becomes an objective and non-discriminatory way to recruit.

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Features in the platform 

Our platform contains extensive data and the tools you need for a more efficient organization. And it is constantly evolving, always in close cooperation with you as a customer. 

Personality (MAP)

Identify individuals' potential and areas of development using MAP; a personality test that maps personality and behaviors that are important in the workplace.

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Aptitude (Matrigma)

With the world-leading non-verbal aptitude test Matrigma, you can measure intelligence, reasoning, abstract logic and problem-solving skills. 

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Risk behaviors (MAP-X)

Identify risk behaviors and individual challenges. MAP-X gives you a basis to use in recruitment processes, leadership issues and team development.   

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Leadership Feedback

Empower managers in your organization with feedback from their employees. Leadership Feedback is based on modern leadership research and contributes to leadership development in the right direction.

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Self-Awareness Insights

Increase self-awareness with the help of Self-Awareness Insights. The tool - and the training - creates awareness about strengths and challenges and provides development tips.

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Psychometric lenses

With psychometric lenses, you can be inspired by data to find new talent. In the tool you can create a profile based on test score from successful employees to match with your top candidates. 

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FAQ about MAP Essence

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Contact us if you want to learn more.

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Using screening in a recruitment process means setting up a framework of competencies and behaviors required to succeed in the role to quickly determine which candidates can be immediately excluded from the process and which are qualified enough to move forward.

The purpose of screening is to greatly shorten and streamline recruitment processes by ensuring at an early stage that the candidates who go forward have the required basic conditions. Screening tests can advantageously replace CV and cover letter selection as they offer an inclusive and non-discriminatory selection where all candidates are treated in the same objective way.

MAP Essence is a shorter version of Assessio's MAP personality test, which is based on the five-factor model. MAP Essence maps an individual's personality based on questions that measure outwardness, conscientiousness, openness, stability and social style.

Once the candidate has taken the test, two screening algorithms can be connected to read the results. One algorithm measures how service-oriented the candidate is and one algorithm measures the integrity factor and can describe how cooperative, stress-resistant and accurate the candidate is.

Yes, like the original MAP, MAP Essence is DNV certified. The certification is a guarantee that the test has high validity and reliability and a well-documented norm group. This gives you as a customer of Assessio a great security as you can be sure that the tool you buy lives up to the strict requirements in terms of quality.

DNV-GL is a certification body that independently reviews, for example, work psychology tests. They have been responsible for test review in Sweden since 2015. Their certifications include personality tests, competence tests and team tests. DNV GL uses the EFPA standard for test evaluation as a basis for certification and the review is done by two independent experts.

Here you can read more about how DNV GL certifies occupational psychology tests and which test tools are certified in Sweden!

When recruiting, it is easy to focus on experience. Just because a candidate has worked in a shop before does not mean that he or she is more service-oriented than others. Personality tests can therefore open up career paths for a person who may have what it takes but lacks previous experience of working in a shop, for example.

The integrity and service screening algorithms help you gain insights into the personal suitability of candidates for service roles and other jobs where integrity or service are important parameters for doing a good job. It is well-suited to positions with many applicants and where certain specific personal characteristics are important, such as shop staff, warehouse workers, salespeople, assemblers, and production and manufacturing positions.

By having candidates take the test, I get information on which of them meet the basic criteria. This allows you to be sure that the candidates you meet have the right basic characteristics and are therefore quality assured.

MAP Essence is best used early in the process to ensure that the right candidates are put forward in an objective and non-discriminatory way. By having all applicants take the test, everyone is treated equally, regardless of previous experience, gender, age or background.

The results of the test show which candidates have the crucial qualities needed to perform well in the role. This means that you don't have to meet as many candidates and instead focus on other things during the interview, such as whether the candidate will fit in with the team or the company's culture in general,

  • It streamlines and automates the process
  • It is an objective and non-discriminatory way of recruiting
  • It provides an improved candidate experience

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