
Do you know what your organisation will look like in five years?

Change is the only constant for many organisations, change that is happening faster than ever. This puts demands on new ways of working and new skills among employees. The crucial question is often whether today’s employees are equipped for the future, when  changes can be difficult to interpret and, above all, hard to predict. It is clear that the nature of work is continuously evolving, but exactly what will change and what that means is harder to know.

Even when someone is an ideal person-job-fit, that role might no longer exist tomorrow, or might change significantly. In these instances, it is important to know how quickly someone can adapt to a new situation. It is essentially about understanding if your employees have the ability to quickly learn new knowledge and whether or not they can develop new behaviours in the new situation.
This ability is called Learning Agility, an ability that can be measured. 

The 5 dimensions of learning agility

Learning agility is the ability and willingness to acquire new knowledge and quickly develop other behaviours based on new experiences. Individuals who score high on learning agility learn more and faster from new situations than those who score low. They can derive greater benefits from experience, are more often on the lookout for new challenges, seek feedback to learn, recognise patterns in unfamiliar situations, and effectively include others to understand and make their experiences meaningful. This means they will be better than others at succeeding in new tasks. They join forces with others to learn together, they are efficient and remain so even when circumstances and their environment changes. Recognising and valuing these traits can be critical for your organisation's resilience; learning agility should therefore be an important element in the recruitment of new employees.

Learning agility can be measured in five dimensions: Change agility, mental agility, people agility, results agility, and self-awareness. They all share an important common factor: individuals with high scores in these dimensions learn faster from their experiences and can more easily apply what they have learnt in practice in a new situation.

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Change agility

Individuals with high Change Agility are characterised by a constant curiosity that is ignited by the unknown. They thrive on being able to experiment, try new things, and have a passion for acquiring new experiences. This allows them to experience more, as they can learn more from their experiences because they are motivated to explore what is new and unknown to them.


Mental agility

Individuals who perform well in mental agility enjoy when things are complex or abstract, as they bring clarity to them with new ideas and thoughts. They thrive when they get to analyse things and often have different perspectives by thinking outside the box. They are challenged by new ideas and recognise patterns in new experiences faster than others. They easily understand how situations are interconnected and what they can learn from their experiences.


People agility

Individuals who rank high in people agility seek early opportunities to collaborate with others, thereby utilising the collective knowledge of the group. They are constructive towards others and are open to people from diverse backgrounds and opinions. They have a need to understand what others mean and take the views of others seriously. This trait makes it easier for them to communicate with others and learn from different perspectives and ideas. Moreover, they easily adapt to people from other cultures, enhancing the exchange between them.

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Results agility

People who score high on results agility possess a strong drive to be successful, and they are always looking for the best ways to achieve good results. They are often ambitious, self-confident, and manage pressure in a composed manner. By being better at achieving goals in new situations, they maintain greater focus and learn more quickly what is important to succeed in their tasks.



People who score high on self-awareness are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, which means they are more likely to be critical of their own performance and behaviours. This focus allows them to concentrate more on how things can be improved, and their overall willingness to learn is higher. Self-awareness plays a particular role in learning agility, as a high score in self-awareness also strengthens the other dimensions of learning agility. Conversely, a low score limits them. Being aware of the opportunities to improve in something yourself means you will also learn in a more effective way.

Future-proofing with Learning Agility

Learning agility measures whether a person has the potential to quickly learn and apply new knowledge. New knowledge that may not be relevant here and now, but could become so later. With learning agility, you gain invaluable insight into which employees can help future-proof your organisation, both now and in uncertain times.

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